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10.12.2021 19:30
Verbier Fesztivál Kamarazenekara
Budapest, Zeneakadémia, Nagyterem
Unikum Season Ticket - Budapest
Season tickets
7 900 HUF, 5 900 HUF, 4 400 HUF
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Season Ticket

Season tickets can be purchased at the Budapest office of the Filharmonia Hungary (1143, Budapest, Szobránc u. 6-8.), at the Liszt Academy and online at

We reserve the right to change the programmes, dates, venues, and performances, and ticket prices may change accordingly.

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"Dr. Zwack, das ist ein Unicum!”

According to the legend, Joseph II's court physician, Dr Zwack, offered Joseph II a special herbal liqueur to relieve the emperor's stomach upset, and Joseph II could not stop praising the drink, saying, "Dr Zwack, das ist ein Unicum!" meaning "It's unique! His Majesty could have said the same about the Filharmonia season ticket concerts, as the top-class performers at the keyboard concerts are all unique. Maria João Pires promises a real breakthrough in the traditional way of performing Mozart.

"We are the colours of sound," says Gábor Takács-Nagy, under whose conducting the real child (Mozart) will come to life with the Verbier Festival Chamber Orchestra at the next Unikum concert on December 10.


Verbier Festival Orchestra
Maria João Pires - piano
conducting: Gábor Takács-Nagy


Mozart: Symphony no. 35 in D Major 'Haffner' K. 385
Mozart: Piano concerto no. 20. in d-minor, K.466
Beethoven: Symphony No. 2 in D major, op. 36
Unikum Season Ticket - Budapest - további koncertek