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16.09.2021 19:30
Concerto Budapest
Budapest, Zeneakadémia, Nagyterem
Unikum Season Ticket - Budapest
Season tickets
Season Ticket

Season tickets can be purchased at the Budapest office of the Filharmonia Hungary (1143, Budapest, Szobránc u. 6-8.), at the Liszt Academy and online at

We reserve the right to change the programmes, dates, venues, and performances, and ticket prices may change accordingly.

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A remarkable feature of this season ticket is that its opening concert is a special event of the Liszt Ferenc International Piano Competition. On 16 September, the Concerto Budapest will perform with the world-renowned pianist Olga Kern, who is also a jury member of the competition. She will play Rachmaninoff's Piano Concerto No 2. The programme also includes an orchestral transcription of Liszt's Mephisto Waltz and Tchaikovsky's Symphony No 6 'Pathetique'. The conductor of the evening is András Keller.


Unikum Season Ticket - Budapest - további koncertek